
Monday, November 25, 2013

Foreign researchers or foragers

Have you ever witnessed hyenas fighting around carcasses for a loaf? Neither me nor was much interested to see such prizefights.
Sadly I have been witnessing such scenario here in the high mountains; where the virtuous researchers from all over the world journey towards the highlands to rescue endanger language, cultural norms and dying tradition of mountain people.  Don't drag it anymore!!!!
Wait!! Pardon me; never wanted to hurt the beautiful, red, green, brown, blond, black and white blooded souls, I mean aloof angels.
Don’t you think we haven't had the right to curse or criticize?? I believe not, as far they are here to trace out the roosts of my ancestors, what they used to do in old days, why am I speaking this language, the origination of my endangered language and how should I speak and write my mother tongue in days ahead.
Are we literate klutzes or just got it in our instinct, to accept whatever comes our way, or whoever imposes whatever he/she finds stress-free to meet their research objectives???
The aloof angel visits us to render their help to dug out the roots of my ancestors, ignoring the fact that the fast paced economically fueled life has washed away the footprints of their ancestors.
The brats even don't know their life lines, no offense meant to anybody; but it’s a souring reality of civilized world.
research, foreign, Gulmit, Gojal, Hunza, World, UK, USA, Pakistan, Tourism, Gilgit, Baltistan
Credit: Anonymous
There was once an interesting encounter with a brat, I mean a researcher, regarding their research findings and its benefits for the local community. All he knew was to grab his degree from a prestigious university that’s all.
The forager, sorry the brat no way!!! The researcher I mean; sometime talk pompously like a weeded gypsy who is overdosed and loses the direction to its destiny.
Their research conclusions are way obsolete or just feeding white paper sheets to amuse their MENTOS, I mean mentor; Jiski dimagh ki battee kabhi nahi jalti (A mantra of a mint candy, believes that it opens all the windows of your upper story…LOL!!). At the end they shout at you and try to prove you a disgraced race as many of the previous angles have already done.
The other tricky part is that, they come and make friends and use them as their guides, who know nothing about history, people, cultural and other practices of the area. There is not much difference between these duels, as they have been playing for their personal interests.
These self-declared guides are free and not well -literate therefore its gives cheap deal for the visiting researcher to manage it within few bucks.
Ironically the researchers do rely on the views of self-declared guides as well; which are vague, far from reality and gravely distorted.
None of them has submitted even a copy of their research work to the community library, as it would have helped new researchers to move further.
Now coming to some serious lines here! It’s time for the federal and local government to revive their visa and NOC policies for future researchers. They must be bound to specific area of their research and must pay to the locals as they give time and resources to help these holy brats.
Tourism department must take some strict measures regarding the guiding license, as well as the license of tour and travel agency to avoid information malfunctioning. It’s high time to train guides professionally for such job which will help to reduce unemployment and reduce the risk of presenting these distorted facts and figures.
Sadly our new and upcoming generation has been taking these forgeries facts as universal truth rather cross verifying such information personally.
Every researchers must be bound to submit a copy of their to the community library of respective area.

Not every researcher should be allowed; as many of them are rates under the skin of a researcher which damages the good cause; there must be scrutiny of background info. 
One can read the published post on MountainTV

Friday, November 15, 2013

Is god still an Englishman……….?????

 “Our work is righteous and it shall endure;” said Lord Curzon, the Viceroy of India, advising his Englishmen to leave behind “a sense of manliness or moral dignity, where it did not before exist.” According to the Viceroy this was “the Englishman's justification” for ruling India.
Such smugness made the great Irish playwright, George Bernard Shaw protest, almost a century ago: “The ordinary Britisher imagines that God is an Englishman.”
But here is bad news for our old pals. Didn’t get it?? Never mind! This bad news is for our white, bright Englishmen, that god is no more English he has now become a Pakistani.
Pakistani? When? Where?  ….. Oh!! Come on, wait, how???? (A Britisher might ask himself)
Hushhhhhhh!!! Don’t you know? Sadly neither do I but only rare virtuous, pious and authentic Pakistani knows.
Islam, religion, Pakistan, Britain, George Bernard Shaw, Lord Curzen, India
Photo Credit: Anonymous
According to them god has grown long beard, wears Shalwar-Kamiz and turban. He carries Kalashnikov; a gift from the Russian inventor Mikhail Kalashnikov. He doesn’t like shirts, pants, coat and tie anymore. There are very few holy places where the Deity lives and has made friends with some pure souls, only a few close buddies.
According to the pure souls like Zidi Humid, Oreo Biscuit Jan, Samsar Akasi, the dying evangelist Maneuver Panday and many others,  it’s vindicated to murder regular army of this demesne and its Haram to call them Shaheed but the butchers, NO! I mean the holy-troops are true Shaheed.
According to the holy-mercenaries, the million slayed filthy social animals, is a sacred job to reach paradise. One can enjoy shots of Red, Black and Blue Labels in Paradise made for these pious dudes. Not only shots, one will get fountains of these brands, and creeks of beers, red and white wine will be flowing along their gardens.
Oo ya!! These all are Haram here in this part of the world, but according to these noble dudes, I mean child molesters are free to enjoy as far no Hoor. is available in this tedious World. During their Holy war they are allowed to take virgin warriors along and it’s not bad (according to their doctrine) if they turn pregnant without marriage.  
But dating a girlfriend is Haram and talking with her over Facebook, Skype, Viber and even ooVoo is also Haram and the punishment is stoning to death.
The other gift, one can get after heinous butcheries, I mean killing bad guys only; is beautiful Hoor of paradise, many in numbers.
Sorry to other boring, humanoid and peace loving Muslims of this land, they will be sent to hell where they will be treated like slaves and served with hot water, expired Shezan juices on special occasions.
There will be huge fire all around, round-the-clock and these boring, bad Muslims will be crying for air conditioners and Pak-Fan. They will be sweating like pigs and no one will be there to provide them Rose Petal napkins to dry their sweat but rather will be served with scotchbrite.
If George Bernard Shaw was alive, he would have said like this; “Every mad Pakistani believes that god is a Paki man” 
One can read the published post on MountainTV

Friday, November 1, 2013

Are the people of Gilgit-Baltistan living a forged independence?

Liberty is a prized gift to human being on planet earth. Some of us have inherited freedom by birth, and some of us have struggled hard to get it. But, freedom doesn’t mean one go wild, get drunk, dance with weapons or kill people in the streets, as many of us have dogmatized the phenomena in contemporary era.  The real concern is not that one is enslaved with iron fists, but that one accepts and celebrates the marvels of a freedom wrapped in slavery.
It has never happened to any nation that had overpowered a powerful army with scarce resources, agonized with hunger and harsh weather, only to get liberty.  But, ironically it has also never happened in any nation’s history, neither has any nation committed such reckless mistake: Fighting a victorious war against the Dogras to get the throne of liberty and then requesting the browns from plain to come and rein them.
Gilgit-Baltistan can be best called a “DEMESNE” (which means a possession of real property in one’s own right), rather than a province, a state, a country, a kingdom or anything else. The word is self-explanatory if we come out of our cocoons and think rationally, for a while.
You may have listened about movements of separation from states and countries; we have hundreds of examples, even the great divide of the subcontinent is not so old. But, it is astounding that there are movements of affiliation, which in my view is a rare case. The affiliation of Gilgit-Baltistan with Pakistan is one of a kind, which has been proved to be an identity disorder for the people of the area.
Undoubtedly the contributions and sacrifices of our independence heroes are incredible, inimitable and unforgettable. However, the so called independence has left people of the area adrift and with some broken identities.
The question is: “Who really benefited from the so-called freedom?”
Independence, Gilgit, Baltistan, Pakistan, Hunza, Gojal, UN,
Didar Ali Jaffrey
Are they locals of the area, who still consider themselves a flock of forced patriot or the dishonest bureaucrats, mindless politicians, the holy militia or some faithless religious bigots who have turned this beautiful land into complete dungeon.
The land of Gilgit-Baltistan is blessed with immense natural resources, which are enough for a landlocked state to run a smooth setup, yet none from the plains is ready to realize its importance and listen to the grievances of its people, not even the so-called human rights activists and commentators.
A completely insane person would expect loyalty from the imported high officials who are instinctively unfaithful to this land, the shady militia that has used the setup as money making machine, the preposterous political system that continues to remain connected back to Islamabad to decide the fate of GB and the religious extremists who have remained on payroll of their masterminds from the plains to instill terrorism and uproar on our peaceful land.
So, what steps are needed to be taken to get GB liberated from the shackles of slavery?
Giving Gilgit-Baltistan a complete provincial setup and right of decision making and political representation in the national assembly will help building trust and also support leaders of the area to take decisions considering ground realities. It has lots of hurdles in its way to materialize; including the issue of Kashmir and the UN resolution, yet when the people of GB can get their land liberated from the Dogras then struggling to get their own identity is not a distant dream. It should not be a political or media stunt to make some mouth shut, rather needs very serious consideration to bring people of the area in national loop.
Sadly, facts on the ground are even sourer and harsher than before; one can hear dogs barking on Pakistani media against GB, saying Pakistan has four provinces, brushing aside the mountain people. Not only this, if you go through books and websites stating geography of Pakistan, you will see that Gilgit-Baltistan is demarcated in same color along Kashmir and rest of Pakistan in another.
Majority of the unidirectional literates of Pakistan still consider Gilgit-Baltistan a disputed territory along Kashmir, which I consider a big curse since people of the area continue to hate the conspiracy aimed to amalgamate their identity with that of Kashmir.
Declaring Gilgit-Baltistan a “Tourist Free Zone” and boosting tourism related activities in the area will help sustain the region’s economy, improve quality of life and perk up developmental work in the area. It is a high time to take such initiatives for better future, peace and prosperity of the region and to overcome the rising extremism. Developing the agriculture sector of GB besides facilitating farmers of the area to national and international markets will help a major segment of the population to earn their livelihood in a respectful manner.

Guns have never been a solution to extremism, but education has played pivotal role to bring aimless youth into the social loop; therefore, strengthening the educational institution of GB will lead to development, prosperity, and peace. If the situation remains as it is now, then I fear people of the area are doomed.
One can read the original post on MoutainTV